Thursday, 29 November 2018

It's harder to abuse intelligence or lie in B, meaning when you see that 2+2 is not 3 you don't stick to it.

Also when you see that nationalism/patriotism is the cause of war (all the evidence is there), I can't be a Ukrainian, German or American.

The truth liberates. just seeing the facts.
If children at school in the 21 century learn about demons, possession, devils and many other superstitions during the so called 'religion' class where are we going?

That is 13 century misknowledge, when people didn't yet know what the Sun really was and they thought illnesses where caused by the witches, who had to be burned at the stake. Are we going back to THAT?

Children are very receptive, that illusory conditioning will most probably stick with them for a long time. Some will be in fear their whole life. Afraid of the dark corner in their room.

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

People in C often don't value life greatly and don't want to tidy it up because they think they have a 'future' in time, a next life..

So they don't value this one that is actual and factual.
They have an precious thought, an idea, an ideal, Then they get attached to it and they defend the thought as something precious, at all cost. They invest a lot of effort to establish the idea as true and valid.

Monday, 26 November 2018

The various organized 'religions' of the now 21 century may serve as an example of how something which could be initially genuine can be turned into a misunderstanding in the fragmentary perception of thought (C).

Then immense resources and effort will be made to preserve and defend the misunderstanding at an unfathomable cost of permanent conflict suffering and war.

Psychologically the human being has not fundamentally changed at all, in reflection of the spectacular development in modern science.

It took many centuries for the Copernicus to be excepted (which only happened by an edict during the French Revolution). We can hope it won't take that long to accept the psychological paradigms of the Holokinetic Psychology, which is the urgently needed breakthrough in psychology, reflecting the findings of the 20th century quantum theory in physics.

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Desires are contradictory, one goes in the opposite of another. This inherent inevitable conflict in the META process is one of the characteristics of the C precinct of the mind.

Therefore The only way to live intelligently is to learn about and transcend desire in Unitary Perception.

Friday, 23 November 2018

Our responsibility is to rest in the peace of Unitary Perception, which is a real perceptual contact with reality.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

We keep avoiding the fundamental function of resting in Unitary Perception, the narrow door to peace and freedom. It is available right now. Without effort, without seeking any particular sensations or experiences. From the nightmare of the fragmentary perception of thought (Precinct C) one exits only by attempting to live in Unitary Perception (Precinct B).

Sunday, 11 November 2018

If you think you're unhappy and you lack something, it means you don't perceive all what's happening at the same time right now, everything perceptible.

If you really try that, without effort, the illusion instantly ends.

Similarly, it's possible to stay with fear without any reaction, just observing it along everything else that's happening right now. Neither on purpose nor with effort.

It's even easier to do with anger.
Everything what is happening can be observed in this way without any bias, reaction or effort at the same time, right now.

Without the need to escape to belief, entertainment or various forms of drugs.

This simple fundamental and urgent action is the Only Door to freedom.

Unitary Perception. Perceiving everything perceivable at the same time, right now, without effort or purpose.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

If you think you're unhappy and you lack something, it means you don't perceive all what's happening at the same time right now, everything perceptible.

If you really try that, without effort, the illusion instantly ends.
Unitary Perception means also, among other things, the end of that waste of energy that we call self-pity.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Do we think our thoughts or thought thinks our selves?

The evidence that the latter is actually the case is overwhelming.

Someone comes along and says: 'I can't stop thinking about this girl who broke up with me.'

So does he think his thoughts or thoughts make him crazy?
The 32 'psychologies' which we currently have (counted by the European Federation of Psychologists) are essentially thought defense mechanisms, as defined by Sigmund Freud (which was his most important discovery and contribution).

If they actually sat down, looked and listened without prejudice, they would have to acknowledge something obvious: that the 32 'psychologies' with their 'psychotherapies' spectacularly failed to make any difference.

That is because thought (the C precinct of the mind) cannot solve the problems of it's own making.

The aim of the traditional psychologies is to make the individual more fit for living in the society.

But is it a measure of health to be more adjusted to a profoundly sick society?