Tuesday, 26 February 2019

The fragmentary perception, so memory, imagination, thought, quickly turns into fantasy if it's non-functional and not curbed by the scientific method. Thought is cyclical, repetitive, conflicting, incoherent, ruled by duality, contradiction and paradox. In consequence, it leads to simple egregious errors and facilitates distortion and conflict in human relationship

All what is factually happening right now, all energy, is not a fantasy or illusion. In Unitary Perception we are in contact with energy (gravity, light, heat, sound) and the contact is only possible without prejudice. In UP we have access to the unknown right now, and we don't know beforehand, we have to look and listen with full passion and interest.


Sunday, 24 February 2019

As has been proven a lot in history, a person in the fragmentary perception can be easily steered, used and exploited. It's enough to reiterate to him the lies that feel good for his META Process, the superficial intelligence-abusing lies by which he has been programmed in the school or family and which are strengthened everyday in the society and which he regurgitates himself with pleasure and pride or fear and dread, 'I am a Russian', 'I am an American', 'I am a Christian', 'I am a Muslim', I am rich, poor, I am this or that.


Saturday, 23 February 2019

Efforts, in the fragmentary perception, which profit one group of people or one country at the cost of others will not bring prosperity and won't make the country great. The Chinese Wall wasn't a success. The end of the world free trade is not anyone's success either. But to see this simple fact, a half brain working is perhaps not enough.


Thursday, 21 February 2019

We are told we need a continuous economical development, which is in fact a rat race towards a precipice. The economical development of the kind we experience is harmful to the planet and unsustainable. Many possessions (of things we don't really need) do not mean more happiness. As the body needs homeostasis, so the planet needs balance. The foundation of the balance in each person is Unitary Perception.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Do we want the imaginary life of horror or the true non-imaginary life of unitary perception?

Ruben Feldman Gonzalez

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Race to a precipice.

We need equilibrium and peace instead unsustainable growth and permanent conflict.
But how can I expect peace in the world if I am not in peace at home?
The constant rat race of the world is a reflection of my anxiety in the fragmentary perception of thought.
It's easy to understand that wanting to achieve/obtain something (to become 'happy' in the future) is a contradiction and illusion. The results of the META Process are different than planned, in fact what is produced is absolute time, fear and sorrow.
But we can encompassed in Unitary Perception and then it's a completely different way of living, out of the illusion and conflict.


Sunday, 3 February 2019

We must understand what tremendous value free speech has and how it has to be used and protected intelligently.
We must understand that it's a considerably recent human achievement and every dogmatic believer or dictator will try to exert his power to undermine and limit it.

The death sentence of Socrates (399 BC) was legal consequence of asking politico-philosophic questions of his students, from which resulted the two accusations of moral corruption and of impiety. At trial, the majority of the dikasts (male-citizen jurors chosen by lot) voted and agreed to a sentence of death by drinking a poisonous beverage of hemlock.

Jesus Christos was accused, tried and killed for blasphemy, meaning simple words that didn't go well with the establishment and religious lawyers of the time.

Painter Francisco Goya was probably last person tried by the Inquisition, which tortured and burned people alive roughly from 1231 till 1815.
The report of a representative of the secret service of the Inquisition court went: 'Having the obligation to initiate proceedings against painters in accordance with the eleventh rule of the censorship procedure [...] mentioned Goya should be summoned before the tribunal.'
A few dozen years earlier, such a note would have meant torture, trial and perhaps prison or execution. Once someone fell into the shaft and cogs of the Holy Office, it was not easy to free himself.
The painter, whose services were sought after by the aristocracy and the court, repeatedly immortalized on his canvases and graphics the victims of the torture of the Inquisition.
Fortunately for Goya, in 1815 the Spanish Inquisition did not have such impact on social life as before, even if on paintings like 'Procession of Flagellants' or 'The Court of Inquisition' he perfectly depicted the horror and the gloom of this institution. 'I am not terrified by witches, ghosts, behemoths, or other such creatures - wrote Goya - aside of man.'
Unlike the countless of earlier victims, no records survived of Goya's punishment. The Spanish Inquisition was finally liquidated five years later, in 1820.

Censorship decided what could and what could not have been be published in the communistic countries.

Even nowadays there are renowned European politicians who demand '20 lashes' for journalists who publish caricatures of a prophet or make fun of religious dogmas. And the journalists are shot down with machine guns.

The 'demons' who are none other than dogmatic men run by the META Process in the fragmentary perception are still openly practicing their rites and teaching children at schools in a number of countries.

Saturday, 2 February 2019

In the hypnosis of the fragmentary perception people don't actually perceive what is happening.
Common examples can be smoking cigarettes, quarreling, soppiness and pride when a national song is played, religious rites and superstitions or killing each other in the mass madness called war.
Unitary Perception, actually perceiving all that is happening right now without effort, is the essential action freeing us from the hypnosis, conflict and incoherence of the fragmentary perception.

The contact with reality as energy (gravity, light, heat, sound at the same time) in the pure observation of Unitary Perception, is out of the hypnosis of thought and it can well be the end of all addiction.

In UP it's much harder to abuse your intelligence.