Tuesday, 31 March 2020

It is known since 1924 that the electron behaves as a particle and as a wave at the same time (irrelevant time). This is a scientific paradox, discovered by Louis De Broglie. To reflect that fact, the functions of the human nervous system have been re-interpreted in modern physics and psychology:

1) as ways to make contact with particles (fragmentary perception).

2) as ways to make contact with energetic waves (Unitary Perception).

So, at this very moment, there are two possible ways to make contact with reality.

1) Fragmentary perception establishes contact with particles, masses, forms, “identities”, “egos,” the emotions of fear, anger and sorrow (without recognizing that they are different aspects of the same thing), beliefs, ideologies, absolute time, divided space, comparisons and paradoxes. This type of perception, which is necessary thought to operate, predict and plan is functional for 30 minutes a day, intermittently. During the rest of the time this is a useless type of perception which facilitates distortion and conflict in human relationships.

The fragmentary perception is the known, that is to say, pure thought.

In that small psychological circle there is room for language, symbol, number, memory, imagination, fantasy, thought, belief, ideologies, science, metaphysics, western and eastern philosophies,etc. All we know is memory, language and thought.

Intelligence has to intervene in order to give place to Unitary Perception, once the fragmentary perception of thought has accomplished its function.

2) Unitary Perception is contact with reality as energy. In Unitary Perception language and thought are irrelevant (no matter how useful they may be). When there is language and thought there is no Unitary Perception. When there is Unitary Perception there may or may not be functional language and thought.

In Unitary Perception we have access to the unknown right now.
So this partly means that I can see you as something I know already (and so I’ll pay little attention to you) or as something I don’t know at all (which means I have to look at you and listen to you 100% with all my passion and interest).

It is not a clever idea, that one can think about later, this is a fact, now.

David Bohm created the concept of “Holokinesis” after interpreting the Universe as a gigantic multidimensional Hologram.

In space, which has no limits, all energy is constantly becoming mass and vice-versa, right now, at the same time.

Psychologically, mass is interpreted as “separate entities” in fragmentary perception, which is a fundamental distortion and the source of horizontal conflict.
Horizontal conflict is the foundation of anger, sorrow and fear.

Only in Unitary Perception it is possible to understand the totality of the process, which is, at the same time universal and psychological.

Nothing has a separate existence, since everything is mass and energy. Mass becomes energy (and vice-versa) right now, at the same time, constantly all over the Universe.

Human mind and body are the interphase of a continuum of matter-energy. Mind, body, energy and matter constitute a unity in the explicit order of holokinesis, according to David Bohm.

This understanding opens inconceivable possibilities for Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology, Education and the rest of all human activities.


Saturday, 28 March 2020

If you were given the possibility to get anything in the world that you think would make you happy, what would it be? A lot of money? Romantic love? A great profession, career and respect? Good health?

Those things have value but they would not make much difference. In fact nothing in the world would make a qualitative difference where there is still division between the subject and object (The Horizontal Conflict). That gaping hole cannot be filled with anything.

Freedom from the fragmentary perception of thought - the Unitary Perception, is the function of the brain to which time has no application. It is the most important thing to learn and there are no steps towards it. It means to wake up (second awakening after night sleep) to everything perceptible that is happening at the same time, beyond knowledge, without effort or motive.

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matthew 7:13-14 NIV).

Friday, 27 March 2020

Death (the end of time) = Life (in space).
Energy is always 'at home' in space.

In the fragmentary perception, thought produces the

hypnotic illusion of time and horizontal conflict

(division between the subject and object), a prison of

thousand afflictions.

Unitary Perception is the effortless perception of

everything perceptible at the same time. It is re-

awakening into the vibrant freedom of space unfolding

right here.

Monday, 23 March 2020

Ruben Feldman Gonzalez
March 21 at 9:09 PM

1­ Cuesta mucho comprender que la Percepción Unitaria es la
función cerebral inactiva que existe más allá del tiempo (memoria, pensamiento, imaginación) y que no es otra manera de pensar. La Percepción Unitaria está más allá del pensamiento.
2­ El pasado y el futuro no están en el espacio. No hay correlación entre espacio y tiempo.
3­ La Percepción Unitaria no es control mental.
4­ Se reactiva la Percepción Unitaria con muchos intentos cotidianos de la percepción de todo lo perceptible al mismo tiempo, sin pasado y sin expectativa.
5­ La Percepción Unitaria no es contemplación y no es una técnica formulada en la memoria.
6­ La Percepción Unitaria no es introspección.
7­ La Percepción Unitaria no es intuición.
8­ La Percepción Unitaria no es percepción sensorial en serie,
por ejemplo, escuchar los pájaros y luego mirar el bosque, escuchar los pájaros y luego mirar el bosque, etcétera.
9­ Hay un solo despertar del cerebro inactivo, pero nos hacen
creer que hay un despertar diferente para cada uno.


1 It costs a lot to understand that Unitary Perception is the
inactive brain function that exists beyond time (memory, thought, imagination) and that it is not an other way of thinking. Unitary Perception is beyond thought.
2 The past and future are not in space. There is no correlation between space and time.
3 Unitary Perception Is Not Mind Control.
4 Unitary Perception is reactivated with many everyday attempts to perception of everything perceptible at the same time, without past and without expectation.
5 Unitary Perception is not contemplation and is not a technique formulated in memory.
6 Unitary Perception is not introspection.
7 Unitary Perception Is not intuition.
8 Unitary Perception is not serial sensory perception,
for example, listening to the birds and then looking at the woods, listening to the birds and then looking at the forest, et cetera.
9 There is a single awakening of the inactive brain, but they try to make us believe there is a different awakening for everyone.


Ruben Feldman Gonzalez
March 21 at 10:13 PM
Ver el deseo, entender el funcionamiento del pensamiento (llamado el “SER”), querer màs y màs de lo que tengo, rompen el contacto con lo desconocido de la mente (que no es el inconsciente.)
Lo desconocido de la Mente ha sido llamado “Ouranon” ò Reyno de los Cielos, o Ârbol de la Vida.
Lo conocido ha sido llamado “Tierra o Kosmon” o Reyno del Mundo o Ârbol del Conocimiento. Estos conceptos le dan comienzo a esa serie de libros llamados “La Biblia.”
(Gènesis 1:1)

Seeing desire, understanding the workings of thought (called the "being"), wanting more and more than I have, break contact with the unknown of the mind (which is not the unconscious).
The unknown of the Mind has been called "Ouranon" or Kingdom of Heaven, or Life.
The known has been called "Land or Kosmon" or King of the World or Knowledge. These concepts start that series of books called " The Bible."
(Gènesis 1:1)

Thursday, 12 March 2020

The fragmentary perception with its observer (the 'I') is effort and absolute time.

In Unitary Perception there is no effort and time is irrelevant.

The Universe is in UP, the observer is enveloped in the observation.

What sees is all there is.