Thursday, 2 December 2021

 I have watched a part of the conversation on the popular Mr Stanowski's channel on YouTube (Hejt Park 263, YouTube, 17/11/21), where Mr. Bartosiak and Zychowicz present their book "The Third World War is Coming".

What is going on?

Western agencies have reported for two weeks that Russian forces are concentrating on the border with Ukraine.

On his twiter, Mr. Jacek Bartosiak calls for the establishment of the Polish Space Force.

The renowned clairvoyant Jackowski says: The Big War Is Coming (Video presentations, YouTube, 15/11/21).

The polish Minister of National Defense announced the expansion of the army. As the saying goes (mainly in the high society where money comes easily) - "security" has no price.

For several years now, you can see fully uniformed high school students on the streets, who must be also preparing, studying for their prospective careers.

So we have to fight again. Everyone against everyone. After all, it's already happening, but for now still more or less subtly, in the mass media, in cyberspace, economically, by competition, imposing tariffs, trying to hinder each other here and there.

The authors assert: ​​"It's about who will work for whom."

"Drones are already at war with each other in the Pacific." "We should invest in hi-tech weapons" (apart from tanks, armored cars, planes, cannons, rifles, equipment and hundreds of thousands of soldiers in which we have been already investing).

We have to buy more arms. At least as much as "enemy", but of course the more the better.

Actually, we should make preemptive moves. "It is better to attack than just defend yourself", advise the authors, who present us with a colorful nuclear bomb explosion on the cover of their book.

Sieg heil!

One question remains: And how is this III World War supposed to look like in the era of weapons of mass destruction? These "irrational (according to the authors) people are not, by some miracle, supposed to fire at least some of the 13,080 (2021, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) nuclear warheads?

Because why? They really want to just play a little for a day or two, just burn down a few cities and stop because.. they will suddenly understand that it doesn't make sense to continue?

Oh! Good luck with that.

We better read Julian Tuwim's "To a Simple Man" or watch "On the Beach" (1959, 2020).

It's never too late or too early for a wake-up from hypnosis.

Arek Szopa, 02/12/21. 


Nie ma jak się trochę r o z e r w a ć.

Obejrzałem część rozmowy u P. Stanowskiego na YouTube (Hejt Park 263, YouTube, 17.11.21), gdzie Pan Bartosiak i Zychowicz prezentują swoją książkę "Nadchodzi III Wojna Światowa".

Co się tu dzieje?

Zachodnie agencje od dwóch tygodni donoszą, że siły rosyjskie koncentrują sie na granicy z Ukrainą.

Na swoim twiterze P. Jacek Bartosiak nawoluje do powołania Polskich Sił Kosmicznych (Polish Space Force). 

Jasnowidz Jackowski mówi: Idzie Duza Wojna (Wideoprezentacje, YouTube, 15.11.21).

Minister Obrony Narodowej ogłosił rozbudowę armii. Jak to się mawia (głównie w tych wyższych sferach gdzie pieniądze łatwo przychodzą), "bezpieczeństwo" nie ma przecież ceny.

Na ulicach od paru lat widać w pełni umundurowanych licealistów, ktorzy również się przygotowują, na odpowiednich, przyszłościowych kierunkach.

Mamy się więc bić. Wszyscy przeciwko wszystkim. To sie zresztą przecież już dzieje, tylko na razie jeszcze w miarę kulturalnie, w mass mediach, w cyberprzestrzeni, ekonomicznie, konkurując, wymierzając cła, przeszkadzając sobie nawzajem tu i tam.

Panowie Bartosiak i Zychowicz wieszczą:  "Idzie o to kto na kogo będzie pracował". 

"Drony już toczą ze sobą wojnę na Pacyfiku". "Powinniśmy inwestować w uzbrojenie hi-tech" (oprócz czołgow, samochodów opancerzonych, samolotów, dział, karabinów, sprzętu i setek tysięcy żołnierzy w których już inwestujemy od dawna).

Trzeba się zbroić. Co najmniej tyle ile "nieprzyjaciel", ale lepiej więcej.

Własciwie to powinniśmy podejmować ruchy wyprzedzające. "Lepiej atakować, niż się tylko bronić", radzą Panowie autorzy, ktorzy na okładce swojej ksiązki prezentują nam kolorowy wybuch bomby jądrowej.

Sieg heil!

Się tylko spyta: A jak ta III wojna ma właściwie wyglądać w dobie broni masowego holokaustu? Ci "nieracjonalni (według autorów) ludzie mają sobie nie wystrzelić jakimś cudem chociaż kilku z 13,080-ciu (2021) głowic nuklearnych? 

Bo jak to, dlaczego? Naprawdę to oni tylko się w tą wojnę pobawią dzien, tydzien. Może najwyżej zrównają sobie z ziemią kilka miast i.. skończą bo.. dojdą do wniosku, że to nie ma sensu? 

Aha! To pozostaje nam chyba życzyć sobie powiedzenia.. 

A zamiast książki Panów Bartosiaka i Zychowicza lepiej poczytać "Do prostego człowieka" Juliana Tuwima albo obejrzeć "On the Beach" (1959, 2020).

Nigdy nie jest za wsześnie ani za późno na pobudkę z hipnozy.

Arek Szopa, 02.12.21.


Monday, 1 November 2021

 Ruben Feldman Gonzalez:

[...]So, well, I'm in an hotel in Chile giving a seminar, I was already married to Cecilia, I was alone in the hotel and good-ol' sexual desire appears. It came with intensity. Then I remembered Krishnamurti. Do not express, do not repress, do not express, and do not repress. Do not express. "Do not express" means I can't call a prostitute, I can't masturbate, I can't express it, "do not express it." Now, "do not repress it." So, what do I do? I don't express it, I don't repress it. I don't express it, very well.

Now, how do I do not to repress it? Unitary Perception: sound, weight, visual field, and I see the desire, I see the desire, I see the desire. Intense. Sound. I forgot sound, again: sound, weight, there were dogs barking in Santiago, "Arf, arf, arf," and I was seeing desire. Sound, weight, visual field, desire, "arf, arf, arf (dogs in Santiago), arf, arf."

That's all I remember. I fell asleep and the next morning I felt I'd go flying through the hotel window if I jumped (laughter). That is, I had such a big energy. Nowadays sometimes Cecilia tells me she sees me with energy, and it's true, there's an energy that is very big, and one says, where does this energy come from? It comes from seeing desire, not only sexual desire, for example, the desire for going down to talk to Perlita, my favorite dog (I have five little dogs). I want to go down to talk to Perlita. "No, I'm not going to express it and I'm not going to repress it." I stay still. I don't talk to the little dog. Every desire, to look at it that way, without expressing it and without repressing it. Then, what happens to one's body? Stillness. You see? There's an incredible stillness of the body.

I never thought I could get to be so still as I'm now in the last year. A stillness that -I hope this is not seen by my cardiologist, who's a great cardiologist, because he tells me, "You have to walk one hour every day," and I'm completely still, seeing, seeing, seeing, and, what happens? I go to bed and I wake up with such an energy at five o'clock in the morning, I approach emails, at eight o'clock I finished a part, the work I do in the computer comes in many parts, because I'm also in translation, grading assignments in DPI (now ICHP), and so on. I feel a tremendous energy, an energy that makes you feel you're going to fly without moving your arms. That's the ecstasy of Unitary Perception, it's the ecstasy of energy, which I wouldn't change for anything. I think what my doctor would say is this, "If you keep living that way (sometimes he calls me "Santa Claus"), if you keep living that way, Santa, you'll end up dead, because you aren't doing the minimum exercise." What I answer to him is, "I want this stillness, I love this stillness, this stillness of Unitary Perception, which is pure Unitary Perception, pure energy, it's the ecstasy of existence, I wouldn't change it for anything, I wouldn't change it for anything. [...]"

CLASS ONE - Sunday Presential Course-II

July, 25th 2010, CPH Mexicali, Mexicali, Baja California

Thursday, 16 September 2021

 The only complete life is the one you live in Unitary Perception. If you haven't seen this, you haven't seen anything. In this case, the memories that arise are completely seen, their lack of value is understood, and then they may disappear.

And what are the memories that come up? The memories of moments not fully lived, or which have not been understood. In other words, moments lived only imaginatively.

This is how memories are being accumulated, which constitute the ego, what we think we are.

By believing that our memories are connected, we are bringing the ego to life. This is known as reifying the ego.

Reifying is giving reality to something not real.


In Unitary Perception one is perceiving everything perceptible, light, gravitation, sound, at the same time, without the observer who knows things. This perception is in the Unknown, as there is no watcher who remembers and knows.

Ruben Feldman Gonzalez, founder of Holokinetic Psychology

Sunday, 8 August 2021


The emotions of fear, anger and sadness, which we learn at home in early childhood, constitute the seed of hatred and envy. If these sinister emotions are not clearly seen IN OURSELVES, they can trigger the expression of genetic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, depression, gastritis and cancer.
If we try to live "Christianly" in love with one another, the love for dogs, cats, fish, snakes or parrots does not count. What counts is the love between human beings.
RFG38 - Do not live with half of a brain All spiritual teachers have disappeared. But if a spiritual teacher remains alive, it is useless if you go to him with half of your brain working. To live your life in Unitary Perception, which is the brain's most important function, it must be reactivated in a true and non-imaginary way. Nothing in your life is important if you walk around with your brain half functioning.

 RFG42 - The "higher self"

Interlocutor: How can the same brain that produces problems live without problems?
Rubén Feldman González: Functionally there is more than a brain. If the thinker ceases, the problems the thinker thinks about, with their fears, rages and sorrows, cease. The thinker ceases if you listen deeply to all sound and silence at the same time, and if you feel the weight of your body while listening. So then the hypnosis that built the thinker ceases.
The white unicorn is the product of hypnosis. If you know this, stop the unicorn. If you love hypnosis, you're going to paint the white unicorn blue. If you love hypnosis, the self will build a pedestal for itself so that it can call itself "higher self."
Precinct B works, Precinct C is making up images. When Precinct B works, the images of Precinct C are something in life.
When Precinct B does not work, the images of Precinct C are all in life (imaginary life with personal and collective past in tow).

 Right Thinking and Unitary Perception -

RFG Free Books - August 7 - 2021
Thought is necessary to operate and predict every day.
It produces conflicts, such as fear, anger and sadness and the mixture of the three, as jealousy, envy and greed.
Right thinking transcends desire and conflict. For this to happen, an inactive part of the brain must be reactivated, which I call Unitary Perception, and describe in a versatile, yet true way, throughout my Written Work, of more than fifty books, which I grant free of charge.
The seed of Unitary Perception (UP) is to perceive everything that is perceptible, at the same time.
UP is a brain function, a function which nourishes the complete activity of the brain.
UP is the foundation of all our actions, worldly or sacred, without separating them.
It is the foundation of peace, energy and joy.


The man who doesn't trust his own intelligence to solve problems and live in peace is the suffocated man. The suffocated man cannot live in eternity. Man suffocates his infinite possibilities by seeking help, satisfaction and comfort.
Man and woman become mediocre when they conform to systems, guides and organizations that formulate their behavior for them and advise them on how to live, how to think and how to find God. A guide is necessary to learn guitar or English, but a guide is not necessary to live fully, fully, fully and in ecstasy.
That way man is limited and suffocated: seek to gain, prestige, pleasure and control of his own life and even the lives of others. Man corrupts himself seeking guidance. How can a man know what he misses out on life and how he loses the good of life?
You will only know when you give up satisfaction, comfort and conformity. It is necessary to remember that the body is here, where one has left it while remembering or planning some stupidity.
Ruben Feldman Gonzalez
FREE RFG Books (Holokinetic Psychology) at

Ruben Feldman Gonzalez 


En Percepción Unitaria todo el sonido es un solo sonido. Esa mente es una bendición para el individuo y para la sociedad. Esa mente no comienza discusiones ni guerras.
Esa mente explora sin temer aquello que pueda descubrir. Durante milenios nos han enseñado a estar con la mente ocupada y no nos han enseñado a vivir con la mente silenciosa y en paz. Solo esa mente en silencio puede relacionarse y amar.
Una mente ocupada está aislada. La mente se ocupa con la supervivencia, los chismecillos, las ideologías, creencias, información, rechazos y predilecciones. Cuesta entender que lo que ve es todo lo que hay y que lo único que puede ser es lo que es.
La mente silenciosa que escucha todo el sonido al mismo tiempo (¡ya mismo!) se da cuenta del cuerpo en el espacio. Encarna.
Encarnar es estar completamente (conscientemente) en el cuerpo, aquí y ahora, percibiendo todo lo perceptible al mismo tiempo. Si el pensamiento, insidiosamente, inútilmente, volviera a aparecer en la conciencia, hay que “escuchar” al pensamiento como si fuera parte de todo el sonido. No hay que preguntar “cómo escuchar” ni “quién es el que escucha”, ya que esas preguntas postergan el acto de escuchar y sólo llaman a inútiles especulaciones del pensamiento.
No piense en escuchar. ¡Escuche!
Rubén Feldman González,
“La mente y la realidad indivisa” pg. 69-70
Libros de RFG, gratis en:
In Unitarian Perception all sound is one sound. That mind is a blessing to the individual and to society. That mind doesn't start arguments or wars.
That mind explores without fearing what it might discover. For millennia we have been taught to be with a busy mind and not taught us to live with a quiet mind and at peace. Only that mind in silence can relate and love.
A busy mind is isolated. The mind is busy with survival, gossip, ideologies, beliefs, information, rejections and predilections. It's hard to understand that what you see is all there is and that all you can be is what it is.
The silent mind that listens to all the sound at the same time (right now! ) realizes the body in space. Incarna.
Incarnate is to be completely (consciously) in the body, here and now, perceiving everything perceptible at the same time. If thought, insidiously, uselessly, reappearing in consciousness, you must ′′ listen ′′ to the thought as if it were part of the whole sound. Don't ask ′′ how to listen ′′ or ′′ who listens ", as those questions postpone the act of listening and only call for useless speculations of thought.
Don't think about listening. Listen up!
Ruben Feldman Gonzalez,
′′ The mind and the undivided reality ′′ pg. 69-70
RFG books, free at:

 Ruben Feldman Gonzalez

Se trata de hablar para despertar y no sólo para aprender.
Despertar implica abandonar las predilecciones, nuestra historia de gustos y disgustos, la tradición, la ideología, la creencia y todo sentimentalismo romántico.
Si no vemos exactamente lo que está ocurriendo en la humanidad, sin ningún devaneo imaginativo, estamos todos perdidos.
Despertar implica vivir en paz desde el silencio de la Percepción Unitaria.
Cuando uno regresa a la hipnosis colectiva, que lleva nuestro propio nombre, y se comporta de una manera incoherente, uno no debe caer en la justificación ni en la condena. Se trata simplemente de ver.
Uno tiene que observar en Percepción Unitaria sin transformarse en abogado defensor ni en juez inculpador de uno mismo.
Y mucho menos de los demás.
Despertar significa abandonar muletas intelectuales, narraciones diversas, guías espirituales y otras formas de refugiarse en el consuelo.
Uno puede vivir sin consuelo, pero también sin tristeza y sin llanto, en la Percepción Unitaria.
Es necesario descubrir por uno mismo lo que es vivir sin conflicto y en paz, lo cual significa estar solo entre los agitados y los conflictuados, estar solo entre los vulgares aburridos y los brutalmente crueles.
No hay maestro ni literatura alguna que pueda hacer esto por nosotros. Una persona que no está en paz puede imaginar que está despierta. Es decir, puede soñar despierta.
El que no está en paz no puede ver que es esclavo del hábito; y habla de ser libre, creando con esa imaginaria libertad (sin paz) enorme desorden y confusión en su propia vida y en la vida de quienes lo rodean.
El que está en paz no se siente solo, pero pronto descubre que no son muchos los que están en paz. Esta es una forma extraña de la soledad.
Es la soledad de la tremenda compasión.
Sólo en Percepción Unitaria despertamos, o salimos de la hipnosis egocéntrica mutua y colectiva.
Sin Percepción Unitaria podemos imaginar y rezar creyendo que estamos en contacto con Dios, pero la palabra “Dios” no es Dios.
Sin paz mental no hay relación con nada ni con nadie.
Sin paz mental el cerebro está meramente en contacto con sus propias producciones. Una de esas producciones recibe el atractivo y seductor nombre de “YO”.
La palabra “yo” es una de las palabras más usadas del diccionario.
Ruben Feldman Gonzalez----> LIBROS GRATIS EN:
It's all about talking to wake up and not just learning.
Awakening involves abandoning predilections, our history of likes and dislikes, tradition, ideology, belief and all romantic sentimentality.
If we don't see exactly what's happening in humanity, without any imaginative devanement, we're all lost.
Awakening involves living in peace from the silence of Unitarian Perception.
When one returns to collective hypnosis, which bears our own name, and behaves in an inconsistent way, one should not fall into justification or condemnation. It's just about watching.
One has to observe in Unitary Perception without becoming a defense attorney or a self-accused judge.
Let alone others.
Awakening means abandoning intellectual crutches, miscellaneous narratives, spirit guides and other ways to take refuge in comfort.
One can live without comfort, but also without sadness and without crying, in Unitary Perception.
It is necessary to discover for yourself what it is like to live without conflict and at peace, which means to be alone among the agitated and the conflicted, to be alone among boring vulgar and the brutally cruel.
There is no teacher or literature that can do this for us. A person who is not at peace can imagine they are awake. I mean, she can daydream.
He who is not at peace cannot see that he is a slave to the habit; and he talks about being free, creating with that imaginary freedom (without peace) enormous mess and confusion in his own life and in the lives of those around him.
He who is at peace doesn't feel alone, but soon finds out that not many are at peace. This is a strange form of loneliness.
It is the solitude of tremendous compassion.
Only in Unitarian Perception do we wake up, or come out of mutual and collective self-centered hypnosis.
Without Unitary Perception we can imagine and pray believing we are in contact with God, but the word ′′ God ′′ is not God.
Without peace of mind there is no relationship with anything or anyone.
Without peace of mind the brain is merely in touch with its own productions. One of those productions receives the appealing and seductive name of ′′ ME ".
The word ′′ I ′′ is one of the most used words in the dictionary.
Ruben Feldman Gonzalez ---- > FREE BOOKS IN:

Ruben Feldman Gonzalez 


En Percepción Unitaria todo el sonido es un solo sonido. Esa mente es una bendición para el individuo y para la sociedad. Esa mente no comienza discusiones ni guerras.
Esa mente explora sin temer aquello que pueda descubrir. Durante milenios nos han enseñado a estar con la mente ocupada y no nos han enseñado a vivir con la mente silenciosa y en paz. Solo esa mente en silencio puede relacionarse y amar.
Una mente ocupada está aislada. La mente se ocupa con la supervivencia, los chismecillos, las ideologías, creencias, información, rechazos y predilecciones. Cuesta entender que lo que ve es todo lo que hay y que lo único que puede ser es lo que es.
La mente silenciosa que escucha todo el sonido al mismo tiempo (¡ya mismo!) se da cuenta del cuerpo en el espacio. Encarna.
Encarnar es estar completamente (conscientemente) en el cuerpo, aquí y ahora, percibiendo todo lo perceptible al mismo tiempo. Si el pensamiento, insidiosamente, inútilmente, volviera a aparecer en la conciencia, hay que “escuchar” al pensamiento como si fuera parte de todo el sonido. No hay que preguntar “cómo escuchar” ni “quién es el que escucha”, ya que esas preguntas postergan el acto de escuchar y sólo llaman a inútiles especulaciones del pensamiento.
No piense en escuchar. ¡Escuche!
Rubén Feldman González,
“La mente y la realidad indivisa” pg. 69-70
Libros de RFG, gratis en:
In Unitarian Perception all sound is one sound. That mind is a blessing to the individual and to society. That mind doesn't start arguments or wars.
That mind explores without fearing what it might discover. For millennia we have been taught to be with a busy mind and not taught us to live with a quiet mind and at peace. Only that mind in silence can relate and love.
A busy mind is isolated. The mind is busy with survival, gossip, ideologies, beliefs, information, rejections and predilections. It's hard to understand that what you see is all there is and that all you can be is what it is.
The silent mind that listens to all the sound at the same time (right now! ) realizes the body in space. Incarna.
Incarnate is to be completely (consciously) in the body, here and now, perceiving everything perceptible at the same time. If thought, insidiously, uselessly, reappearing in consciousness, you must ′′ listen ′′ to the thought as if it were part of the whole sound. Don't ask ′′ how to listen ′′ or ′′ who listens ", as those questions postpone the act of listening and only call for useless speculations of thought.
Don't think about listening. Listen up!
Ruben Feldman Gonzalez,
′′ The mind and the undivided reality ′′ pg. 69-70
RFG books, free at:
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