Sunday, 24 December 2023


We seem to be always occupied with something. We have to do "something", otherwise we feel uneasy. We are attacked by responsibilities, tasks, job requirements, advertisements, desires, urges. Or we escape something, thoughts or feelings, by working, being active. We have to run to watch the new movie. We imagine that in the "future" we will find happiness. We have to catch up with out friends on the phone.
So not a moment is spent in the silence of Unitary Perception, enjoying peace of the day, the only peace there is.
J. Krishnamurti said: freedom is at the beginning and not at the end.
Unitary Perception is this moment, for this eternal moment is all there is.
Let us stop hypnotically chasing salvation in time, in the mirrage we call the "future", for there is no salvation in that. It is perfecting hell.
Doing must be balanced with being in freedom of the Universe.
Let's dwell in the Eternal, the only Narrow door to liberation and salvation.

Thursday, 7 December 2023


In Ancient Greek philosophy, ataraxia (Greek: ἀταραξία, from "a-", negation and tarachē "disturbance, trouble"), generally translated as "imperturbability", is a lucid robust state of freedom from perturbation. 

Ataraxia is possible when we perceive everything perceptible at the same time, without effort or expectation. The Unitary Perception envelopes the Meta process of thought, without reacting to it (As J. Krishamurti advised Dr. Ruben Feldman Gonzalez: "no expression and no repression").

Meister Eckhart tells us:

True detachment is nothing else but a mind that stands unmoved by all accidents of joy or sorrow, honor, shame, or disgrace, as a mountain of lead stands unmoved by a breath of wind. This immovable detachment brings a man into the greatest likeness to God.

The 3rd Partriarch of Chan begins his Verses of the Mind:

The Great Way (the Tao) is not difficult,

Just don't have preferences.

Dr. Ruben Feldman Gonzales tells us: 

If you learn Unitary Perception now, you will be able to live in Unitary Perception in all states and circumstances of life.


#unitaryperception #ataraxia #apatheia #emotion #disturbance #detachment #perturbation #accidents #life #holokineticpsychology

Wednesday, 6 December 2023


It seems that the fear of death is at the core of all our fears.

But is death ("nothing") the origin of life, the ground in which we are all living, and which we always most intimately are (and which we dissolve into every night in S4 sleep - the Stage 4 of synchronous sleep)?

If so, we can and need to be in contact with the Silence of Cosmos right now in Unitary Perception.

Can we live in death right now, which means out of time? Can we actually be who we are?

J. Krishnamurti said: "The most important thing is to be absolutely nothing."


"Attempt without effort to live with death in futureless silence".

The Buddha said:

"They live in the present.

That’s why they are radiant."

Meister Eckhart said:

"God is always at home, it is we who go for a walk."

We can psychologically return home right now.

#death #life #fear #sleep #silence #present #home #holokineticpsychology #krishnamurti #meistereckhart #buddha


What we call thought (in the modern Holokinetic Psychology - the Metaprocess) hypnotizes us into the perilous belief that we are divided from the world, the environment and each other as "nations", political parties, groups, etc. Thought is a useful tool in science but but operating at the psychological level in the society, thought (being divisive, dual, egocentric, incoherent, repetitive and temporal) opposes intelligence , distorts observation and is extremely corrupting.

The common example of the incoherence of thought can be the organization "United Nations" which is an oxymoron. Or our constant drive to "security" by producing more and more weapons - which masks a constant and obvious insecurity and fear.

So so for example that product of thought that are "nations" compete with one another, which leads to conflict and war. We are literally swamped by various kinds of weapons, including nuclear weapons. We are sleeping on a barrel of gun powder and governmental commissions are still recommending increasing the number of nuclear bombs.

In truth, the universe is one undivided whole, which is obvious when we look at a photo of the earth taken from the outer space. The rivers, the air, the oceans, the land, are not divided.

The modern physics clearly tells us so.

Physicist David Bohm tells us:
"[...]In Relativity we have the notion of a universal field which is dynamic flowing and according to Einstein particles should eventually emerge out of this as singularities of very strong regions of the stable pulses of field which gradually merge, the fields gradually merge with other particles. So we have an unbroken universe which is in constant flow dynamically. Even the very notions of space and time, which were previously absolute, have become relative.
We may even go the singularities like the black hole or the supposed beginning of the Universe where the present laws would break down altogether, all concepts that we know. So that's a very revolutionary view compared with what we had say a century ago.

Then there's the Quantum Theory which perhaps is more revolutionary. It has three main features I'd say. One is the notion that a quantum process is in some sense indivisible, that it is one whole. It can be broken but then it becomes an entirely different process. So each process is a whole, otherwise it can't be what it is. and all the quantum processes of movement are linked as it were into one whole.
The second point is the wave particle duality the discovery that say electrons which are classically particles can behave statistically like waves in a more precise experiment and light, which is classically a wave, can behave like a particle in a more precise experiment. So it seems we have these two aspects which depend on how the system is treated, context dependent, which is quite different from the classical idea that whether it's a wave or a particle is intrinsic.
The third point is what's called non-locality. We find that in certain conditions there's apparently an immediate connection of distant particles. We can't use it for signals but still it seems to be there. It's connected with the experiment of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) and has been tested by Bell's theorem and Aspect's experiment.
It seems pretty well established, both theoretically and experimentally. All of these combine into the notion that the Universe is a kind of indivisible whole rather than analyzed into constituent elements which interact as separately existent.

For example take superconductivity. At high temperatures electrons will generally scatter off obstacles and metals and therefore there will be a resistance, the current flow would stop unless it's maintained by a voltage. At very low temperatures in certain metals the current flows indefinitely without scattering. That is a quantum
effect you see. If you analyse it you can see that it's due to the fact that the electrons are sort of held together in some way by these non-local interactions so that if there's an obstacle they go around and reform rather than scatter. It's rather like a ballet dance around and reforming whereas in a crowd each person is following
his own purpose and they all scatter, they all get in each other's way.

It can create a kind of order of things. At the same time you can see that there are
situations where we have this high degree of order and others where we don't that it's possible within the mathematics to see when something called the wave function can be represented as a set of product of independent factors and all the particles behave independently but in a more general situation they don't. So you can explain why you have so much independence in ordinary experience and why in a more careful probing we
find order, new kinds of order. So the classical level, Newtonian level is explained by quantum mechanics as a limiting case you see. The whole determines itself to behave somewhat like independent parts in many cases. So even whether it's going to be behaving like parts is determined by the whole[...]"
Dr. David Bohm - Interview at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen (1989).

#unbroken #undivided #universe #indivisible #wholeness #thought #belief #relativity #quantumtheory #non-locality #particle #wave #field #EPR #electron #light

Here is David Bohm talking a bit more about the Unlimited Unknown dimension we must urgently come in contact with:

Monday, 4 December 2023


Jiddu Krishnamurti said: Freedom is at the beginning, and not at the end.

That means freedom is THIS moment in Unitary Perception.

As Dr. Ruben Feldman Gonzalez said, Unitary Perception is our cosmic antenna which is our connection with the Cosmic Peace.

The presence of Unitary Perception is so big that it is the absence of the product of thought that is thinker.

The Holokinetic Psychology states that the thinker/self is also absent in the synchronous stage 4 of sleeep (S4), which is regeneration.

The Universe is in Unitary Perception. What sees is all there is.

Freedom is where the illusion of the thinker ends.


#freedom #illusion #unitaryperception #presence #absence #peace #cosmos #sleep #S4 #holokineticpsychology

Friday, 1 December 2023


All that is - the Universe, is a miracle.
Water, fire, light, sound, the Sun, the wind, trees, autos, animals, plants..
Yet, so few perceive it all in awe.
And so many live in the hypnotic prison of thought.


#universe #miracle #perceive #Awe #hypnosis #thought #unitaryperception

Monday, 27 November 2023


The new populist Argentinian President, the new Dutch President..
Why are you cheering?
If you look back in time and see where populism ends up, you don't want to live though those periods. Populism tends to presage NOT so great times..

Sunday, 26 November 2023


X: I would be happy if I had a house in[..], I could go for walks or bike rides.. I would sit on the porch in peace..
Y: OK.. how would you feel if you were there?
X: I would feel.. hmm.. exactly like I feel now..
#here #there #feel #peace #happiness #thought #fragmentaryperception #unitaryperception