Friday, 5 May 2017

Is imagination intelligence?

Yes, we need technical imagination to build a bridge.

But in the sphere of the psyche non-functional thinking means worry, sorrow, desire, fear, frustration, anger. It means neurosis and mental disorder.

This can actually be proven at this moment, in one's own life when one wakes up in the morning, already various thoughts come and attack one like a swarm of wasps. They feed on each other, one thought an be pleasant but in an instant metamorphoses into another one which causes fear or sorrow.

People try to push away the apprehension by various activities, more and more, drinking, working, cleaning, entertainment. But one can't escape it cause it's the essence of what one is.

It is not that I think these thoughts, actually thoughts make up the I. It is the same thing: non functional thought.

We are all infected with the virus of thought.

It cannot be stopped by will or fought with. Fighting it means it is thought fighting itself, so just more thought.

There's only one vaccine for the virus.

Unitary Perception.

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