Thursday, 9 November 2017

Say you want to listen to your favorite song, one of the many you have, you listen to it once, another one and another one.. it's not so pleasurable anymore, right? You got tired of it, so you wanted more and more, like a drug. After all what do they say about smoking? That it goes well with drinking, etc.. But wait.. was the really so pleasurable the first time? Maybe the first few beats, the start of the melody, the first refrain? Or maybe.. it was only in thought, emotions stirred up by the music? Maybe the sounds are just sounds in fact? What if the best thing to do was not to play the song at all? Conserve the energy. Energy that we waste all day on this or that. Maybe that would actually lead to something that would turn out to be most joyful? DO NOT WASTE ENERGY, that is the true meaning of the words religion (religare), yoga, zen, dhjana. Be a passer-by.

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