Sunday, 17 December 2017

An old man said, 'I'd like to die , death would finish the struggle. I've been struggling so much. Over a job, in my family, to buy a house, fix the car, there has always been problems, anxieties, health scares. And when I had a free moment I felt lonely and went to a pub with friends to drink or watched stupid TV shows or listened to music for hours on end. I haven't been able to just sit and enjoy living, not being occupied by this or that, working on improvement of my life.. I have never really lived, I have always been becoming, working for the future in which I would be happy. But it never materialized. I have never been able to find peace myself. And now I'm tired. I'm counting on death to bring peace.'

Being second-hand beings we count on others to fix our lives, to free us. God, the state, the politicians, the saviors to save us. I lack confidence so I turn to an external force to change my life. So maybe it does, according to their pattern or maybe they make even a bigger mess out of our lives. Going around and pretending is easier than facing the dirty bathroom and cleaning it oneself.

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