Friday, 30 March 2018

It is important to ask 'why'. It's important to question everything. Only one who questions can penetrate through layers of illusion, hypocrisy and superstition.

It's important not to take anything for granted, not to believe just because something is claimed by a lot of people or by those with authority, who are usually have a lot of confidence in what they say and what they do.

Questioning is part of both scientific and truly religious approach.

Religion is NOT BELIEVING in something. Religion, among other things, means finding out in one's life what is correct, factually, and moving from fact to fact, even when it's a fact which isn't comfortable for me, something I don't 'like'. I move on nevertheless.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Time is a superproduct of thought (time is thought).

Just like the I, the thinker is a superproduct of thought.

In other words there is no time without thought.

Also there is no 'me' (the centre around which everything in 'my' life revolves) without thought.

It is a relief beyond imagination when the false psychological structure stops, even briefly.

It is a possibility in Unitary Perception.
The society is a big scam, the so called law, the armies, the political caste, the advertising industry, the school in which the Unitary Perception, or the basics of how thought works and the its fragmentary perception is not taught.

In the center of the whole shebang is the illusion of the so called identity. And the illusion of identity, the me, has to own, people, things, other ideas. It's a vain attempt to cover its nothingness with possessions, frantic activities, ideas.

How can a river, land or a stream be exclusively owned by somebody? Did Mr. X or Y created the river or the land?

The idea now is deeply ingrained in human's psyche but just one hundred or two hundred years ago, so pretty recently, in India there were people who could not understand the idea that an apple tree could b e l o n g to somebody and they couldn't eat apples from it.

Friday, 23 March 2018

You cannot say you are 'helping the poor' and build battleships and armies at the same time, instead investing in modern hospitals. First you would have to stop hurting yourself in hypnosis because you were programmed like a computer and you don't see what is happening like a computer. So you would have to simply stop. Stop wasting money on rockets and rifles. Until then your actions are just a pose to cover a big swindle.
You cannot gas people in a concentration camp, go home and be a loving father, like SS-men did. If you can, it means you have been completely programmed like a machine by your parents, your superiors, your teachers, leaders, generals, the capo di tutti capi, his minions and all the priests of the circus, who you trust blindly or don't trust at all but pretend. But you are not a machine and unless you are completely crazy, if something goes wrong you crack easily like a dry stick.
A policeman on the street cannot say 'forests are not my jurisdiction, it's a matter of a different task force' when kids ride on motorcycles or leave beer cans and bottles among the trees. If he can, it means the police is divided and corrupted - dividing is a favourite game of the fragmentary perception.
Those are only few of the many obvious contradictions.
You cannot be a 'good' scientist at work, go home and beat your wife or husband. If you're an ambitious violent person, it's probable it will crop up in different places at different times, affecting all people and life everywhere.
You cannot take care just about a part of a river that are within the borders of your nation. If the spring in the mountains gets poisoned, the whole river will.
If a butterfly flutters its wings in 'Mexico', it affects 'Canada'. Mexico, Canada, Japan and Germany are super-products of thought. A bird doesn't see a border when it flies over it.
Do not do anything with thoughts, just let them come and go, at the same time perceiving all perceptible, sounds, light, gravitation without effort.
You won't need a drink to get by or a television show (nor an organized religious entertainment of any sort) to get by. You are afraid of loneliness because you have never been beyond the word. It's just a word, few know the reality behind it. Concentrating on the breadth is not a solution either, it's probably worse than playing a computer game or watching a movie, for the latter is pretty effortless while an effort to concentrate is conflict, the controller vs what should be controlled. When you play a computer game you forget your problems too. But they are not really solved, they are swept under the carpet. You cannot play computer games all the time. So fear creeps back, despair, depression, you name it.

There are no personal memories as there is no 'person'. A person is a superproduct of thought. A person, the 'me' = thought.
So 'my' memory of something coming back is no more than a memory that Titanic sunk or that there are moons around Jupiter.
Pollution, poverty, war cannot be solved one by one. They all come from the same root cause: delusion of the fragmentary perception. We are sawing off the tree branch we are sitting on and we don't see it. No amount of tricks or do goody-good stuff are going to help. Unitary Perception is the solution.
How is someone who lives in hypnosis to to be cured of depression or other diseases of lifestyle?
He or she is awoken from night sleep but is still dreaming.
First thing is to wake up (second awakening).
It's fair to assume some of people would welcome war with excitement. They tend to brush off the fact that war is fear, blood, stench, hunger and mud and are hypnotized by its imagined glory, advertised clandestinely or openly by their leaders and teachers.
Because they are angry they are not as rich or popular as the stars, their imagination invents enemies, they love computer shooter games, they like military uniforms because uniforms and clean shoes are popular with women.
Whatever the reason, power feels good, until it feels good.That is probably why they are so possessed by amassing firearms and practicing the art of killing.
They don't seem to see that the III world war won't be the same as the II. The III WW won't be fought in the trenches. For when the child play of the leaders ends and real threats start, they will soon remember that bullets don't fly as far and are not as deadly as the modern super means of destruction - the nuclear rockets. And when they come into play.. well good bye. To your tanks and guns and flagships too.
By the way, the effectiveness of the rocket shields has not been proven at all by any of their advocates and enthusiasts (which must be mainly politicians and their producers..). So do not have any hopes with them either.
Changes of the arrangement of matter are known as 'time'. But intrinsically 'time' does not exist. The term is redundant.
Nothing unchangeable goes from one moment to another. Memory creates the illusion of something concrete passing from yesterday to tomorrow. But the I is just the memories of what happened: 'I woke up at 6 am yesterday' or 'We (I too) had a meeting at work today'.
If X says: 'I'm a Jew' or 'I'm a Spaniard', what is it? It's a memory. He is programmed like the memory of a computer. He has undergone programming since childhood. And now he acts along the lines of the program. Thought is the past, it's repetitive, there can never be 'new' thought.
That record, 'I'm German' and 'I'm German' makes up a false division and is a main cause of war along the divisions made up by the organized religion.
Thought does this. Just look around. It's men vs women, blacks vs whites, this religion vs other religion, this nationality vs other nationality, my team vs your team, me against you. Thought in the fragmentary perception makes up divisions on every level and from those divisions conflict springs up.
Thought is the response of memory. And memory isn't anything noble or holy. There is nothing holy in the thought 'I AM'. It is NOT 'God' in me. It is just conditioning of the brain. As the computer is programmed, also the brain is programmed from a very young age. Then it repeats: 'I am a Brit' or 'I am an Indian'.
For a hypnotized desensitized person killing, plundering and raping may not pose a problem.
Kids spend 10 or more years in school and they don't know the basic facts about the Universe, the stars, the galaxies, the Sun, the light. They cram complicated math theories and pass the tests but they don't know what thought is, how it works and how dangerous non-functional thought it can be.
And the most important, yet the least known fact in psychology: the Unitary Perception is not even mentioned.
Growing nationalism (my country = big ego) is an outcome of the fragmentary perception of thought.
Nationalism is deadly, all the evidence is there.
People are hypnotized by memory (my country, my team, my flag, my family, my language, my history vs your history, flag, etc.)
Among others, those who talk on TV (like machine guns), the leaders, the professors, the stars are hypnotized by the records of their memory, by their knowledge, by thoughts.
Religious divisions similarly. Organized religions are just empty shells of superstition and exploitation without the core: Unitary Perception.
All organized 'religion', especially one of them (sorry), is definitely a problem. Wasn't their 'prophet' a mass murderer? Please enlighten me if I'm wrong. But the actions of some of the extreme 'believers' really speak for themselves.. No need to elaborate on that.
Pretending this is OK is NOT OK.
But please.. do not believe politicians will really solve the problem. How can the hypnotized blind people solve anything? By chance?
Lets face it, do they live by their precepts? Just look at the leaders. Aren't they corrupt? Don't they blatantly lie? Don't they kill (indirectly)?
They are best in clever propaganda (not clever at all for those who are able to read between the lines).
So they are in fact only going to enslave others according to a different (their) nationalistic, egotistic, again so called 'religious', pattern.
The Unitary Perception is the only door. But it's a narrow door.
Everything what you have amassed, all what you have built for yourself, you will have to leave. The whole empire. And you have invested so much hope in it, you have spent so much energy and worried so much over it.
Oh, so you need a successor, and you say you do all this for him. Because otherwise it doesn't have any sense of course.
So yes, you will give all that to him and spoil him. He will have a great time wasting it.
Because you gave him the land, the houses and the money but didn't teach him the one key to happiness, the one thing he needs to live intelligently: Unitary Perception.
So you see that this place is a mess, to use an euphemism.. You compare yourself to your friends and the 'professors' on TV and you see you're not well-to-do, you're not famous, nobody listens to you and you struggle to make ends meet. You go around unhappy praying or lamenting. Also wanting punishment for those who do well in this crazy society, a retribution, a revolution, a war, you want some outside order to be put from outside, a violent police state is fine.
You re-invent God. And another life (lives). In the next one you'll be happy, better car, better wife..
But there is no other life, nobody has seen it. It's just hope.
The problem is you've never been alive. You have only been hypnotized from young age into believing in those things. Your nationality, your religion, respect for the flag and the uniform, you have been hypnotized into believing you are your name.
The world is full of lamas, priests believing in whatever they believe, 'new age' advocates repeating mantras, praying, chanting or burning incense. People can believe they do something worthwhile while paying attention to their breadth.
It's good to first understand why someone wants to hold 'attention' on the breadth and who and why brings it back again when it wanders. Who even invented it in the first place and why does someone else follow his advice? It's very simple yet almost always overlooked by the teachers of some technique.
There are ancient belief systems, disciplines or philosophies, like Buddhism, early Christianity, Taoism or Zen, which lost their cores, were mistranslated and become misused. They may or may not have had the essence.
The fact is they are all empty shells now at best. Most turned into hierarchies, nationalism, machinery of government.
We need a careful precise language and a definition.
Unitary Perception (UP) is not a technique, it's a brain function like sleeping or eating. It is precisely defined.
UP is perceiving everything perceptible at the same time (now) without any effort or expectation. When thoughts happen, they are listened to as well, with all sound, in the brain.
UP is a perception which is not directed towards any object. It can be said, it is to be UNfocused.
From ontological point of view, UP is an observation which includes the observer together with the observed.
Please suspend language, look and listen. If what you're seeing and hearing is 'Germany', 'Argentina' or some other 'country' then you are hypnotized by thought. You are not really seeing and listening.
It is enough to include in observation the voice which says: 'it's France' or 'it's Poland', We are a proud nation'. As if it was a sound.
Perceive everything that is happening right now. Including the perceiver, the bunch of thoughts that come and go.
Then you won't be contributing to a growing confusion and conflict. Then you won't waive a stupid flag and cry at a sound of a song.
You won't go killing 'the enemies' when the hypnotized 'leaders' start beating the drums of war.
But dialogue must be cultural.. Is it enough to say: 'OK, it will be cultural'? It would remind the pledge of a drunkard that he will drink just one shot. Yea, right..
So something much more is needed. Perception of what's going on. If I start to sputter words like a machine gun, hypnotized by my opinion, I just see what is going on. I'm not saying it's OK or it's wrong that I'm violent, that I'm comparing myself with others and I'm greedy or envious. I JUST PERCEIVE the thoughts without any reaction, without choice, effort or expectation.
This is Unitary Perception. The observer is included in the observation. In the fragmentary perception of thought, in which most people live all days, the observer is hidden and is trying to control what is happening, breeding conflict. In the fragmentary perception there is the fictitious division between the controller and the controlled, so friction and dispersion of energy. In the fragmentary perception the neurons misfire.
Then we could begin and it would mean we both learn in the process. Without any authority, but like a friend with a friend, moving from a fact to a fact. So if we both look and do not avert our eyes, we see and hear the same at the same time.
Can one not fall in any holes? Say one is disappointed with the circus of business, money-making, career, society, does he have to fall into the pit of organized religion and attach oneself to that?
Obviously no.
But that requires understanding of both, seeing the futility of life spent gathering money (and they leaving it..) and also seeing the falsity of organized religion.
Not to fall in any trap, deny any ideology put together by thought, any hope.
Maybe that's a beginning.
In the fragmentary perception of thought all is divided into fragments: women vs men, blacks vs whites, Christians vs Muslims, protestants vs Catholics, me vs you, Germans vs Brits, Argentinians vs Brazilians, my team vs your team, my company vs your company and so on.
The whole society is divided into sects, tribes and opposing groups And in division there's a root of conflict.
Everyone who is troubled by non-functional thoughts (memories) makes a very simple mistake: he starts to regurgitate it (gets hypnotized) by the thought when it comes.
The way out of the misery is Unitary Perception, perception not attached towards any object.
In science everything must add up, form equations, be tested, proven and correct.
In imagination, on the other hand, the Sun can be composed of cheese. Any idea, however ridiculous can be obsessed over and violently defended.
We must be careful not to believe things simply because we want them to be true. No one can fool one as easily as one can fool oneself 
Why should one believe in anything? The way is observation and examination, and not belief.
Religion is NOT a belief in anything, rituals or rites.
Religion comes from observing all what is taking place, here and now.
The etymological meaning of the word 'religare' means NOT to disperse energy.
We waste energy in so many ways. By working too much, by watching too much tv, by taking drugs, smoking, drinking alcohol, stressing about 'tomorrow', etc.
Religion is understanding the whole of life, understanding stress, fear, pleasure, the meaning of attachment and suffering.
It doesn't mean gathering volume upon volume of knowledge about those things but clear perception and immediate understanding which brings intelligence and a certain natural discipline when you understood that poison is poison so you don't touch it.
The all-encompassing observation is Unitary Perception.
Holokinetic psychology is the modern scientific psychology.
The most important thing in life is to be nothing.
What does a gardener do when a tree is ill? Does he try to cure the leaves, one by one, or does he look into the root?

Similarly it's no use to try fixing the problems of the human society one by one, economical, health-care, unemployment, violence etc. None of them are really solved unless we examine the root.

Women's rights, pensioners problems, chimney sweeps fight for chimney sweeps.. countries guard their interests..

I think the river and the forest do not belong to 'me' so I pollute and destroy them.

It's all just sectarian action when what really counts is to see the whole map.

We cannot change something 'here' without changing things 'there'. Everything is interconnected. Literally. It's modern physics. Einstain Podolski Rosen. EPR. It's how space functions.