Friday, 23 March 2018

Do not do anything with thoughts, just let them come and go, at the same time perceiving all perceptible, sounds, light, gravitation without effort.
You won't need a drink to get by or a television show (nor an organized religious entertainment of any sort) to get by. You are afraid of loneliness because you have never been beyond the word. It's just a word, few know the reality behind it. Concentrating on the breadth is not a solution either, it's probably worse than playing a computer game or watching a movie, for the latter is pretty effortless while an effort to concentrate is conflict, the controller vs what should be controlled. When you play a computer game you forget your problems too. But they are not really solved, they are swept under the carpet. You cannot play computer games all the time. So fear creeps back, despair, depression, you name it.

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