Saturday, 29 December 2018

We can only survive on this planet if we think at a Universal scale.

NOT as Germans, Americans, Chinese, Shia Muslims, Christians, Protestants, etc., One against another, which springs from the traditional fragmentary perception of thought.

All the commemorations of the past military conflicts, national hymns, the flags, are obvious outcomes of that division which then strengthen further the memory.

The fact is there is no division at any level. Divisions are essentially illusions (hypnosis sustained by the META process).

Nature and the planet do not function like that.

Human being IS factually one with the Universe but does NOT perceive the fact in Unitary Perception and therefore acts in a very destructive way to the planet and thereby puts his own survival at at serious risk.

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Having much bigger intelligence at our disposal
shouldn't we be something much more than territorial animals, just acting at a larger scale and now able to destroy the planet and ourselves?

We live in conflict. Miserable and mediocre lives. Lying, stealing and killing, then going to a church on Sunday.
We are slaves to age-old conditioning. We have been programmed by the false security of tradition, tribalism, conservatism, organized religion.

But we don't need more wars, more phones or shallow entertainment.

We need to instantly break free of the psychological prison we live in.

We need to use the whole brain.

We need Unitary Perception.

Tuesday, 25 December 2018

It is not rare that the highest positions in the society are occupied by people of very limited intelligence.

A great tragedy is that they influence education and are programming the young according to their conditioning.

In this way the receptive minds of children is shaped by tradition, conservatism, religious superstition, false history, nationalism and outdated scientific theories.

Sunday, 23 December 2018

Hearing all the new theories every day about what to change and who's fault it is and who's to do what..

What does it mean that people choose tradition over truth, nationalism over peace, organized religion over true religious life, fear over the end of illusions?
Perhaps one of the things that it signifies is the failure of education. And it shouldn't be a surprise if footballer or a good singer is valued much more in the society than a teacher.
Neither should it be surprising that the most important scientific findings have not permeated into the general knowledge if generally intelligence is being abused daily with mediocre entertainment, drugs, overwork, alcohol, cigarettes, permanent occupation.
And when the schools are not much more than institutions stuffing the brains of the students with knowledge, overvaluing thought and tradition.
Politics is an art of lying and conservatism (I don't want to change anything deeply only moving a few parts here and there). Ready-made theories spring up every hour. What to change, this or that, which piece of the puzzle to move so that everything would be solved by this or that 'leader'. Yet nothing is solved. In fact the same mistakes are made over and over again.
In cycles. Convulsions and resuscitation. Than maybe a collapse or a buyout of the banks or whole countries in debt.
Religion is a term used for a great number of superstitions, from very simple to preposterous ones. It has its foundation in belief, not in facts. And is served for the masses by a strangely-clothed groups of people who feel empowered to drive the nail of tradition even more.

Most, living in hypnosis and accustomed to the tradition of slavery don't think that something new is possible any more.

Something new that is always outside of the field of thought, belief, experience and knowledge.

A real change. A whole undivided movement that is reality itself.

In that reality one doesn't beg for a change.

One is the change.

Saturday, 22 December 2018

With consciousness the problem is that it's not defined. Neither are terms like mind, intelligence, perception, emotion, affection, thought, God and so on defined.
Then someone can talk addressing many different things using the same terms.

What 'consciousness' are we talking about?

If we mean the self consciousness we experience in the fragmentary perception of thought (C), every one can really find out it is a product of thought, a kind of a trick used by thought to create an illusion of something stable and solid to continue.
What really is is an undivided movement.

If we try Unitary Perception (B) (being aware of everything perceptible, all energy, 'inside' and 'outside' at the same time, without effort), the self consciousness can disappear.
It disappears together with the multitude of problems which are its superproducts like fear or sorrow.

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

The strange case of smoking cigarettes.

(and getting drunk, snorting cocaine,watching TV for hours, playing computer games, etc..)

Smokers know that it is harmful. It causes cancer! (Are you suicidal?). The effects of smoking is plainly shown and written on the packs they buy.
Yet they continue to do it.
How is it possible?

Ladies and Gents, Dear Academy:


They do not actually see, perceive, what they are doing (everything perceptible at the same time.)

Intelligence is the ability to deal with any actual case from SEEING. Not from memory/knowledge.

Monday, 17 December 2018

I'm a spaceman visiting this planet and I'm astonished people here wake up in the morning but really they don't, they walk, work and entertain themselves in hypnosis, a kind of nightmare (fear, jealousy, anger, sadness, desire, struggling all life)

Some build fortunes, financial empires. Very Important Persons. A travelling salesman of phones. Revered as a very intelligent man.

Many are mesmerized by the church and haven't figured out it's just a circus. Be it Buddhists, Muslims or Christians. You don't have to be very intelligent to figure this out, it's plane, visible, obvious and ugly to the point of ridiculous. Christianity itself is today a collection of thousands of hierarchical fascist (I am better than you) organisations. Yet if go for a ride in some countries, the churches are nice and refurbished while the houses where people live are dirty and dilapidated.

Politics is for the hypnotized too. In the politics of hypnosis, the main thing to do is to talk incessantly and confidently (incoherently and not making much sense) and lying. The lying is state of the art nowadays. The best in the trade would tell you that black is white and vice versa.

TV is for the hypnotized as well of course. Dance with the stars or perform in a rat race to be chosen by a millionaire lord as his favourite pet. Fantasy films for grown ups and for children. Spiderman, witches, demons and transformers. If you're not sufficiently entertained, a B52 can drop a bomb on your head.

Sunday, 16 December 2018

According to quantum electrodynamics, the space of an atom is filled by an electron field around the nucleus. The volume-less electron is somehow simultaneously everywhere in that chunk of space.
The electron(s) (let's not forget that what is defined as a hydrogen atom is composed of a single proton and a single electron) are like a cloud making up the spatial extent of the atom.
They show up as particles only under particular circumstances; e.g., in detectors such as Geiger counters.
In other words at this level the distinction between matter and energy starts to disappear. It is a flux, a movement.
What really happens when 'touching a table' is touching a field of energy. Fields of energy is the reason why 'objects' don't fall through the ground and do or don't go through one another.
In view of this deep level of reality, it should be perhaps easy to understand that when we are born, we don't 'come' to the Universe. We are always in it.
There are three, and not one(!) psychological dimensions we can live in.
But we live in only one: the fragmentary perception of thought (C). That dimension of the mind is illusory, incohesive and conflicting.
It is essentially hypnosis and it is a greatly restraining prison for us, it makes our lives miserable at best.
We've had 5000 wars in the past 2000 years. The power of all of the arms used in the mutual massacre of the WW2 was 3 MEGATONS.
The submarine TRIDENTE (USA) holds 24 megatons, which is sufficient to destroy all of the cities of the northern hemisphere

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

What is needed is not more bustling activity along traditional lines. Activism may have its place but cannot come first.

Without understanding my self, the META process, my desires and illusions, attachments and addictions, busy activism, based on conditioning and false assumptions, can only compound the problem.

What is needed first of all and most importantly is effortless Unitary Perception of all energy at the same time.

That complete new sensitivity instantly wipes out the age-old hypnosis, with its 'tomorrow' and 'yesterday', conflict, division, sorrow, anxiety and self-pity.

In that lies the only solution to the problem.

Friday, 7 December 2018

It's not possible to live in sanity and wave the flag, stand in line 'at attention' and sing the song, cheering the army, etc.. Living in C entails a necessity to abuse intelligence. It's necessary to blunt perception to be attached to a fragment. It's not really security either. Division means conflict. Nationalism leads to war, the evidence is all there.