Sunday, 16 December 2018

According to quantum electrodynamics, the space of an atom is filled by an electron field around the nucleus. The volume-less electron is somehow simultaneously everywhere in that chunk of space.
The electron(s) (let's not forget that what is defined as a hydrogen atom is composed of a single proton and a single electron) are like a cloud making up the spatial extent of the atom.
They show up as particles only under particular circumstances; e.g., in detectors such as Geiger counters.
In other words at this level the distinction between matter and energy starts to disappear. It is a flux, a movement.
What really happens when 'touching a table' is touching a field of energy. Fields of energy is the reason why 'objects' don't fall through the ground and do or don't go through one another.
In view of this deep level of reality, it should be perhaps easy to understand that when we are born, we don't 'come' to the Universe. We are always in it.

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