Monday, 6 April 2020

Where is 'the self'?

In our habitual hypnotic state of the fragmentary perception there is a persistent illusion of a continuous self, the 'thinker'.

In fact, the thoughts, feelings and ideas constantly re-play themselves, creating the belief that they belong to the same unchanging 'thinker'. Then in turn it is imagined that the imaginary thinker produces, controls and experiences the thoughts.

The self is made up by its attributes: memories, plans, feelings, ideas etc., that is basically thought (The META Process, Mnemonic - memory, Eidetic - ideas, Thalamic - emotions, Autonomic - connected with the events of the autonomous nervous system).

This is not all just philosophy. Unitary Perception is the actual perception of the fact that there is no thinker. The pervasive belief in the existence of the self ('I am') does not have a substance.

In the factual observation of all what is happening at the same time without effort (Unitary Perception), the 'self', cannot be found (perceived).
Yet the illusion, a product of distortion of observation in the fragmentary perception, is the cause of colossal chaos, strife, conflict and innumerable problems that can be seen in the world.

It is clear that learning the new perception - Unitary Perception, is an issue of fundamental importance and the true cornerstone of modern education.

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