Saturday, 12 March 2022

 Sir, don’t struggle so hard to know. When all effort to 

know ceases, then there is something which the mind has 

not put together. The unknown is greater than the known; 

the known is but as a barque on the ocean of the unknown. 

Let all things go and be.

His wife came in just then to give him something to drink, 

and the child got up and ran out of the room without 

looking at us. He told his wife to close the door as she 

went out and not to let the boy come in again. ‘I am not 

worried about my family; their future is cared for. It’s 

with my own future that I am concerned. I know in my heart 

that what you say is true, but my mind is like a galloping 

horse without a rider. Will you help me, or am I beyond 

all help?’

Truth is a strange thing; the more you pursue it, the more 

it will elude you. You cannot capture it by any means, 

however subtle and cunning; you cannot hold it in the net 

of your thought. Do realize this, and let everything go. 

On the journey of life and death, you must walk alone; on 

this journey there can be no taking of comfort in 

knowledge, in experience, in memories. The mind must be 

purged of all the things it has gathered in its urge to be 

secure; its gods and virtues must be given back to the 

society that bred them. There must be complete, 

uncontaminated aloneness.

From Commentaries on Living,


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