Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Everything known to man has been done throughout history in search of freedom from fear and sorrow.
There have been monks who had rules not to have anything saved for 'tomorrow'. The rules forbade them to eat more than one meal a day. Some physically chastised themselves thinking that suffering ennobles. Traditional religions seem to still think like that even today.
Not that having few possessions is a bad thing (if you're not hungry, homeless or ill). But if they believe they will get something for it, be it evolution of the psyche, becoming a saint or nirvana, it means they are still caught up in time. And time is a product of thought.
Then it is still greed but viewed as something noble and worthy of respect.

Unitary Perception is not a product of thought.

Unitary Perception is by definition: to perceive everything perceptible at the same time, right now, without effort or expectation.

In pure observation of UP time is irrelevant and space is one. There is no comparison and the only thing that can be is what is.

Freedom is at the beginning, not at the end.

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