Friday 18 January 2019

There is a widespread habit to overuse and misuse thought.
Fragmentary perception is necessary thought to operate, predict and plan for 30 minutes a day. But if it's used non-functionally, throughout the day, it facilitates distortion and conflict in human relationships.
Intelligence has to intervene in order to give place to Unitary Perception, once the fragmentary perception of thought has accomplished its function.

Unitary Perception means conscious contact with energy (gravity, light, heat, sound at the same time) without effort. If we see the Universe in Unitary Perception, time becomes irrelevant.
In this dimension of vibrant mental silence, it is possible to establish a much deeper contact between human beings. The contact goes beyond the mutual formation and projection of images (Muslim - Catholic, American - Russian, white -black, rich - poor, etc.) which makes every human being a potential enemy of himself and others.

UP can be only tried right now. There is only the now and the only thing that can be is what is.

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