Thursday 7 December 2023


In Ancient Greek philosophy, ataraxia (Greek: ἀταραξία, from "a-", negation and tarachē "disturbance, trouble"), generally translated as "imperturbability", is a lucid robust state of freedom from perturbation. 

Ataraxia is possible when we perceive everything perceptible at the same time, without effort or expectation. The Unitary Perception envelopes the Meta process of thought, without reacting to it (As J. Krishamurti advised Dr. Ruben Feldman Gonzalez: "no expression and no repression").

Meister Eckhart tells us:

True detachment is nothing else but a mind that stands unmoved by all accidents of joy or sorrow, honor, shame, or disgrace, as a mountain of lead stands unmoved by a breath of wind. This immovable detachment brings a man into the greatest likeness to God.

The 3rd Partriarch of Chan begins his Verses of the Mind:

The Great Way (the Tao) is not difficult,

Just don't have preferences.

Dr. Ruben Feldman Gonzales tells us: 

If you learn Unitary Perception now, you will be able to live in Unitary Perception in all states and circumstances of life.


#unitaryperception #ataraxia #apatheia #emotion #disturbance #detachment #perturbation #accidents #life #holokineticpsychology

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