Sunday 8 August 2021


The emotions of fear, anger and sadness, which we learn at home in early childhood, constitute the seed of hatred and envy. If these sinister emotions are not clearly seen IN OURSELVES, they can trigger the expression of genetic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, depression, gastritis and cancer.
If we try to live "Christianly" in love with one another, the love for dogs, cats, fish, snakes or parrots does not count. What counts is the love between human beings.
RFG38 - Do not live with half of a brain All spiritual teachers have disappeared. But if a spiritual teacher remains alive, it is useless if you go to him with half of your brain working. To live your life in Unitary Perception, which is the brain's most important function, it must be reactivated in a true and non-imaginary way. Nothing in your life is important if you walk around with your brain half functioning.

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