Saturday 6 January 2024


“And what have I taught? ‘This is stress… This is the
origination of stress…'"
The Buddha.

Those who live primarily a life of bio, the life in time from the past to the future, live the life in contact with the products of thought, symbols, language, comparison, measure. That is the life of stress and struggle. Thought, which has been so cunning, must inevitably consider what is at the end of the end of the vertical line. All what has been gathered has to be abandoned.

But there is a vertical dimension of life, which is not in time. It is the True Life in space and vibrant energy.
Unitary Perception is THIS eternal moment.

"Time is a refinement of the self, not freedom from the self. Cease to act in time . Cease to be time. The negation is the positive. If you negate something unreal, the real is there."

The Buddha:
“They don’t sorrow over the past,
don’t long for the future.
They live in the present.
That’s why they are
From longing for the future,
and sorrowing over the past,
fools wither away
like green reed cut down."

#unitaryperception #time #thought #stress

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